Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I always think it's interesting the really strong attitudes people have towards Valentine's Day. I mean you would never hear someone proclaiming how stupid Easter is, and if you did you may consider whether they are really worth being friends with, after all it is a holiday about bunnies and chocolate, and if you don't like bunnies and chocolate, then frankly we probably don't have that much in common.

But Valentine's Day has a special place in the resentful hearts of many. It's certainly not my favourite holiday, I mean for starters it's not even a real holiday, you still have to work, you don't get to run around gathering sweets and there's not even really an intoxication angle (unless you are single and depressed).

But even as a perpetually single girl I don't find myself in allegiance with all the haters out there. For me Valentine's has almost always been spent with friends, sharing food and wine, with the exception of a few years when I got take out and watched hockey instead. So what about this holiday turns up the bitter in so many?

Some people claim the self-righteous stand of it being "all about commercialism" which I find rather hypocritical considering none of these people seem to abstain from buying into Christmas just months earlier. Others wallow in their grief subjecting anyone who will listen to a tyrant of complaints about couples and love. But are quick to change their tune once they become one of the dreaded couples. While others take more aggressive and not so appropriate approaches like burning memorabilia, mild stalking and hate filled messages. I would not be at all surprised if the police were just as busy on Valentine's Days with disgruntled singles as they are at Halloween with firework-induced teenage rebellion.

My theory is that because it's supposed to be a celebration of love people somehow get caught up in only one kind of love, the girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife, mistress/cabana-boy type. But there's more love than just that of a significant other. The love I received on Valentines Day came in the form of a package from my mum, my students all aged between 3 and 5 shouting "I love you Tatina/Tatine/Katina/Katrine" and launching themselves at my legs in to a massive group hug and finishing the day off with dinner and yoga accompanied by Laura, Whitney and Dana.

Aside from the moment when Laura's private student proclaimed '26?!? It's marry time! You must find a husband!" The fact that I am single wasn't even acknowledged, I suppose that's partially because they don't actually celebrate Valentine's Day in the Czech Republic, but I'll take my victories where I can find them.

My point is, it's a holiday that nobody genuinely knows anything about, including why it started, it has no important significance and it's only religious tie is to numerous Saints from history named Valentine that as far as anyone can tell were no more romantic than any other Medieval men. That whole bit about Saint Valentine secretly marrying people is just a legend that people commonly mistake for fact. So, who cares? If you want to celebrate it, do, and if you don't, don't. No one will judge you unless you start turning in to the mildly creepy bitter single that should be cautiously avoided at this time of year.

And if you find yourself in that category then maybe you should consider holidaying in Malaysia next February 14th, where you can be jailed for up to 2 years for celebrating.

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