So you can well imagine how disappointed Adele's family would have been had I agreed to facilitate an agreement between a Moroccan man for their only daughter .
'I don't think the novelty factor of having an entire herd of camels will convinced them', I argued as he generously upped the ante to 20 camels.
But the man was persistent, pressing for Adele's dad's phone number so he could call Vancouver and barter with him directly. If I'm perfectly honest I was slightly tempted to hand over the digits just to hear the conversation but decided aginst it figuring that the call would likely instigate a mild heart attack. In the end with Adele laughing nervously beside me, I managed to firmly decline the offer and guide us safely away. Camels are just not that lucrative a business for Canadians. Should he have been offering an exchange of adorable, fluffy baby penguins I may have reconsidered, but animals that chew cud and spit would hardly be appropriate in the suburbs of Vancouver.