I chose to believe the former and booked within days of finding the site, just a little over a year in advance of the start date. Now, if you know me well, you probably find it odd that I planned something over a year before I actually did it, since most colossal decision making in my life is made spontaneously particularly when it comes to moving abroad, but I swear, there is a method to my madness. I knew that if I didn't have an exit plan in place before the end of my second year in Czech Republic that it would be far too easy for me to extend my contract (the visa was valid for another couple years, I had an amazing group of friends, I loved my work, the kids, the country, the beer, the hockey...what would be stopping me?), which isn't a bad thing, except that I already knew I didn't want to settle down in Czech Republic and with every year my roots would get a little bit deeper making it harder to leave and so I needed an epic adventure to get me out of my comfort zone and back out in the unknown and what better way to do that than to book 4 months volunteering in Kenya starting 2 weeks after my official end date?
So now here I am, sitting on a bed in my host family's house in Mombasa, where we (me and my three fellow volunteers) have cultivated a mild addiction to an English dubbed Colombian soap opera, drank a significant amount of chai, chased numerous cockroaches with a rather poor success rate (there was one time when Kylie thinks she may have got one...not sure how you can be uncertain about whether or not you killed a monstrous cockroach but I am willing to accept that as our one and only victory), plotted to kill some overly vocal nocturnal geese, tried camel milk (which literally tastes like licking a camels hump - not the best), read a women's magazine from 1991 with some particularly insightful articles like 'Are you turning in to your mother? How to stop those scary symptoms before it's too late' with a well-intended top ten TIM symptoms list meant to prepare/frighten us and been awoken more than once by some rather enthusiastic early morning playing of Bryan Adams.
Let that be your introduction to our Kenyan life for now, I will write a more thorough description of the work we are undertaking later. For now, it's off to bed for me where I will attempt to get a good nights sleep despite the abundance of farm animals lurking outside our bedroom window.