Similar to Canada (where we give a quick nod to Jesus but more or less take the chocolate and run giving credit to the Easter Bunny) references to this being a religious holiday are more of less completely swept away, which isn't shocking since Czech Republic prides itself on being the most Atheist country in Europe.
In the weeks leading up to Easter all around the Czech Republic Easter Markets are set up and a lamb is baked in the form of a cake or rather a cake in the form of a lamb, a bizarre 3D masterpiece that involves a baking tin shaped like a lamb resting. While the girls are working at ornately decorating eggs the boys are roaming the woods considering branches for their Pomlázka (read: Easter Whip) potential. Whips that come Easter Monday will be turned on said female population in hopes of encouraging youth and beauty. How very quaint.
Last year when I first heard about it, I thought it was a joke, some ancient tradition that is no longer practiced, but I was mistaken and spent Easter Monday hiding in my room watching groups of boys roam the streets with whips swung over their shoulders.
The only consolation is that after noon you are no longer allowed to whip the girls and should that particular boundary be overstepped you are encouraged to take the handy bucket of water that you happen to be dragging around with you and throw it at the offending individual. Convenient how very inconvenient that is.
While I was safe hiding away inside my house last year many were not so lucky, the boys can (and will) come knocking, one would think that out of self preservation you simply wouldn't answer the door before noon but it seems the women here harbour some masochistic tendencies, and in return for being whipped happily hand the boys/men an age appropriate gift of a shot, painted egg and/or sweets. As you do...
I managed to avoid a whipping last year since my male roommates didn't return from their hometowns until after noon, this year, however, I am not sure I will be so lucky as I'll be staying with two friends in Prague, both of whom are Czech and both of whom are male. So wish me luck I suppose and Happy Easter everyone!